The Last Stretch
I like to compare life to one of my favorite things ever- running. Life is hard, life is short, life can be boring, life can be useless if you don't know your place in it, life is just all around difficult. It's a whole lot similar to running too. Running is WAY hard, running can be really short depending on how much you push yourself to do, running can definitely get boring, and sometimes it can seem useless when you're trying to accomplish your 7 mile goal and you just feel like you're dying the entire time.. So yeah, as you can see, the first things we think of when it comes to life and running are all negative. We think of how time flies by so fast and how we barely have time to accomplish what we want in life, we think of the people who have ruined our life or made us different, we look at the political side of today's world and then freak out for our children's lives as well as our own, we end up not pushing ourselves to finish our mile goal for the week because we're tired and sore and we can barely move, we can't accomplish the huge hill that we've been trying to run up because a friend that's faster than us came to practice and has beaten you to the top each time, we never ever approach the positive side of life. Our first instinct is to think negative because it's the way we feel.
When Jesus gave His life for us on the cross, He never once thought negative. I'm pretty sure He wanted to, but He didn't. He knew He was going to die. He knew He was going to be in pain. But He let it happen to Him anyway. He let men beat Him and torture Him and He never once complained. He didn't care how much pain He was in, how much blood He was losing, or even that he was dying, because He loves us. He loved us so much that He gave His life for US by dying on a cross. Through misery, through pain, through sweat and tears, Jesus gave His life up for every single person who will ever walk this Earth. That's how great of a Father we serve. A Father who constantly loves us and will forever call us His.
The Lord provides for us. He provides our strength, He gives us Words when we are breathless, He gives us hope when we are hopeless, He gives us Everlasting Life. This world isn't perfect. I'm not perfect. You're not perfect. Nothing will ever be perfect. But as long as you and me both have Jesus, we won't have to worry about a thing. Yes, this world can be scary, yes life goes fast, yes running is hard, yes, yes yes, this world has negatives, but when we look past the things that are worthless and look into the positive things that this world has in store, The Lord will take care of the rest / He always and forever will.
Next time you're running and life gets ahold of you, remember to stay strong, breathe, and embrace The Lord with open arms. I promise, He will take care of you and you will be able to fully accomplish the l a s t. s t r e t c h