by faith.
By faith. By faith. By faith. ||| The devastatingly tragic events that have recently occurred around the world are stunning to my mind. The hasty, irrational, stupid filled decisions some human beings carelessly make are appalling. The audacity some have to follow through with things like using a weapon to kill 17 people does not even register with me. I can’t even begin to fathom the many broken hearts that are among the families and friends who lost loved ones today in parkland, Florida. May The Lord extend his eternally comforting love and peace to every single hurting person who is so unworthy of this tragedy. _____ I have learned over time that the worst way to live life is in fear. I have learned that people will kill other people, people will harm themselves, and people will commit far more crimes that numb me to even think about. None of these tragedies are new to us and neither is the idea that we could be in the exact same place. We wake up every single day not knowing what the day holds or what what may take place. Tragic events like today’s spring a scared feeling in many. Days after the tragedy, some begin to live in fear of the days ahead or even months ahead because those people wonder “could this happen to me?” I’ve thought it, I know you have to. But then these thoughts lead us to fear and then fear leads us to no longer living by faith but by fear instead. Fear grasps our hearts, our minds, and takes a strong hold of our body, stopping us from pursing the life worth living. But my friends, we cannot live this way. Jesus promises us He’s come to save and that in all things we should NEVER be afraid, for He, The Lord our God, is with us, ALL of the time. ______ Friends, we can’t live life in fear. We can’t live life afraid of every second of everyday. By faith, we are able to walk in life free from every careless decision some ignorant person may make. By faith, we are able to be calm and remain trustworthy of The Lord’s plan. By faith, we don’t have to walk in fear. The worst life to live is one in fear so live like Jesus is right there with you because He is. Every single day. ||| #wordsofencouragement #prayforparkland