Everyone is welcome.
There's a feeling I feel like a lot of un-Christians get when they walk into a room of Christians. It's probably feelings of rejection, fear, or disapproval. Personally, I have never had to experience this, but I know there are millions of people who have. I'm curious to know, what is it like to not be a Christian and to not feel accepted when you walk into a room full of people who believe in something you don't? How do you feel? What do you say when someone asks you if you believe? Do you feel awkward saying no because you're in a church? I couldn't answer any of these questions, but I really hope that if you're not a Christian and you're reading this, you get some encouragement out of it and that you don't feel as discouraged as you did when you opened this blog even though you knew it was about Jesus.
To the Christians who are reading this post right now, you have three jobs, and you know that. You've been reminded of those three jobs every since you started attending church. Our job is to read our Bibles, say our prayers, and spread the Word and love of Jesus at all times. Is it this simple, absolutely not. I'm pretty sure if I took a poll with 10 people, only 4 people (or less) out of those 10 would actually do the three things I listed. Non-Christians, this is for you, Christians are not perfect people. We don't not make mistakes. We don't get any special treatment or any discounts at stores. We don't live the perfect life you may think we do. We do, though, live in a world where there is always someone to rely on. We live life with a person who can pick us out of our biggest messes. We don't live in a perfect world, but we do live in a blessed one.
To my awesome peeps who aren't Christians, you probably just skimmed right over that, and I understand. That is okay. Not wanting to be pressured into a religion is okay. As Christians, we have a tendency to try and push Christianity on people, forcing them to love Jesus and to accept Him into their hearts. YES yes yes, we want you to love The Lord and we want you to spend your life with Him, but we also want you to be the person making the decision. As Christians, we need you to want Jesus, instead of us wanting you to need Him.
In today's society, some people pretend like they know Jesus, but they really don't. They say they attend church, but then you see them in public, and they aren't acting like a Christian. And don't get me wrong, we're human and we're definitely not perfect, I totally understand that! Although, there is a distinguished difference between not being perfect and not truly living the life that Jesus has so graciously planned for us. As Christians, we tend to play the role instead of playing the part. We skim the surface of our faith instead of actually diving into it and pursuing our faith in our lives. We choose not to follow Him because our friends think it isn't cool or because we won't get accepted into some sort of group if we believe in God. Let me tell you something, this is for everyone no matter the belief, allowing someone else to play a part in your own decisions is a no no. You live your own life, and you are allowed to make your own decisions. Letting friendships or relationships be a deciding factor in a decision is not how The Lord designed us to live. He wants us to be independent, relying on our personal self and beliefs instead of relying on the decisions and beliefs of other people.
My point here is that every single person on this earth is welcome in the home of Christ. Everyone is welcome into the brother and sisterhood of the followers of Jesus. There are no guidelines or rules you have to follow in order to get in. You don't have to rely on someone to help make a decision for you because Jesus will always take care of you. He will always be there to help guide you through something you're unsure about. He is Jesus, and once you accept Him, He is always with you. I'm here to say that accepting Christ into my heart was the best decision I had ever made. I have never regretted it, and I know I never will. I will say that following Jesus isn't easy. There are trials The Lord puts you through in order to test your faith in Him. Yes you'll cry, and yes you'll be upset, but you will learn SOOO much through it, and you will become a stronger person because of your hardships.
All in all, non-Christians, please don't feel disapproved or rejected by anyone who believes in Jesus. Don't feel like you have to lie to get your way through because you don't want to be judged. I promise you, life with Jesus is the best life ever. You grow so much in your faith, and you're able to be a blessing to others who still need Him. But please please please do not feel like you are any different than us, because we are all the same. We are all made in the perfect eyes of the Father and in His house, everyone is welcome.