Accept the Mess
Like it sounds, accept the mess. Embrace it. Not the clothes on the floor, left over pizza crust under the bed type mess. The human mess. The imperfect, untidy, not put together mess that we constantly feel like we have to clean up. It's okay! It's okay to be messy and to walk out of the house in an untucked shirt or a messy bun and pj pants. Sometimes life just isn't the picture perfect YouTube morning tutorial that we dream of having. Life is tough, and to be honest, we're just wishing for the easiest and most perfect way to live it.
However, perfect living is never the answer. Jesus doesn't plan for us to have perfect lives with perfect spouses or perfect family members. He doesn't expect us to be 100% put together all of the time 24/7. We are all sinners, and we have all at some point prayed for forgiveness, but when do we shake off the untidiness that comes from the feeling of sinning. When do we accept the fact that it's okay to make mistakes. At what point do we step back, dust off, and tell ourselves that we're not the perfect people we wish to be. We are all human and we've all done something wrong at some point in our lives. We all probably have an inside insecurity that we use against ourselves or a past problem that we hold in our hearts until it just pushes us past our breaking point. But guess what, there is a time and a moment to surrender all of the stuff that has eroded away the inside of you. That time is now. It's time to give up the hurt, the pain, the sadness that's been stealing your joy for forever. It's time to let The Lord take the lead and it's time for you to accept your mess.
It's time for you to stand tall, being proud in who you are. Accept the fact that you are imperfect and be thankful that you are a dearly loved child of God. It's okay to make mistakes. It's okay to be untidy and not put together at times because as long as you are okay with who The Lord has made you to be and as long as you accept that you are an imperfect sinner, you will be fine. Jesus didn't die on the cross just so we could stop and stare. He died so we could be forgiven and live a life freely in love with Him! Stop worrying about life and start breathing in all of the love that Jesus' has for you. He's got you covered, and you don't need to continue stressing over any past situations, insecurities, or an other thing that may be bothering your heart. Give up on giving up. (thank you Kathryn Foreman;) SURRENDER! Accept your untidy, not perfect mess and keep on keeping on. You are loved way to much to be worried about a person you're not.