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you are His and He is yours

Sometimes we feel as though we're missing something. An empty hole lingers in our hearts disenabling us to love and pour into others. Our empty hole leaves us feeling breathless, unfulfilled, unworthy. Maybe its the want for a mother or father to love you endlessly instead of for just a short period of time, maybe it's wanting a fiance or wanting to date someone, maybe its just the want for friends and to be loved...whatever it is, it's eating your heart up and making you feel completely deserted.

We've all been there. We have all experienced a moment in life where all we want is to feel loved, apart, worthy of living the called life we are told to live. Marriage, birth, proposals happen and you finally feel a sense of security and worth and then bam, divorce, death, and break-ups take over and in an instant your heart is back to square one, feeling empty and unfulfilled. Now what?

There's a passage in Psalm that speaks life to me every single time I am at a point in my life where love is nowhere in sight. The times in life where it seems like not a single person around can fulfill the empty gap that continually lingers inside of me, I search for this one passage. Every sentence in Psalm 136 ends with the four words, "His Love Endures Forever." At some points in life, reading the Bible is the last thing we want to do because sometimes we feel as though The Lord has failed us and that every little bad thing is from Him. We feel as though The Lord has either forgotten about us or just doesn't care for us when there are thousands of other brothers and sisters in Christ He should be caring for. But then I am reminded of Hebrews 5:10, for "God is not unjust; he will not forget you." Our Jesus loves all of us equally and never intentionally hurts us. Our pain is growth and our hurt is healing. He allows us to experience situations that may not be as fun as we'd like so that we can grow in Him and through our pain we can receive life from the situation. However, our Jesus still loves us.

Psalm 136 tells us that the God who "remembered us in our lowest estate," the God who "led his people through the wilderness," the God who "freed US, me and you, from our enemies," that God's love, it endures forever! Not just when we are following His word, not just when we are serving others, His love endures forever, even in our worst moments, Jesus still loves us!

Empty gaps are formed by the enemy. Empty, lingering, unfulfilled holes are the devil's way of getting between us and Jesus. They're his way of reminding us that there are far greater things to fulfill our hearts rather than our Heavenly Father. But guess what, our enemy is so wrong because every time marriage, birth, and proposals take place we feel worthy but only just for a split second and then our once full and satisfied hearts become desolate and deserted again. The only one true thing that can make you feel full is Jesus Christ. Your heart will never go empty again if you fill it with the love that our Lord Jesus so selflessly gives us.

Yes you probably know this and have probably heard it a gazillion times but honestly, the only one thing that can satisfy your heart is Jesus. We're human and we are all going to make mistakes one day or accidentally make another person become the "god" we worship, but I want you to know now that Jesus is always welcoming you with open arms. Your past is not the definition of your future and you will always be welcomed by Jesus, no matter how much emptiness is left in your heart. You are His and He is yours, forever and always.

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